OLD BANTEN is one of the well know historical objects, only 10 km from the town of Serang. A lot of remains of Islamic Banten Kingdom which was founded between 16-18 century.

Keraton Kaibon It is located at the village of Kroya on the bank of the road of Old Banten, approximately 7 km from the town of Serang. The name Kaibon was derived from the word Kai-ibuan namely Ratu Asiah, taking over his son's position, Sultan Rafiudin who was just 5 months old to lead the reign.

Keraton SurosowanSurosowan Palace was built during the reign of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1525-1552). Most of buildings were partly totally damaged. What remains is only the wall of the fortless ciecling the ruin of the monument. According to the old maps it is known that in the past the complexes of the palace were sourounded by a ditch as a guard. It was said, that in the past small ship was able to sail along the ditch or along the canal to the open sea. To day the ditch has already disappeared and we can only see the remainings located in the south and the west.

Masjid Agung BantenThis complex consists of : a mosque monumeny having grave yards along its left and right sides, the monument of Tiyamah, a tower, and grave yard located in the north side. The monument of Tiyamah is an extention building in the south of Mesjid Agung which, designed by Hendrick Lucas Cardeel, an Islamic Deutch architects. For his dedication, Sultan maulana Yusuf gave him a title Pangeran Wiraguna.

Speelwijk Fortress

Speelwijk fortress is located at kampung Pamarican, near Banten Gulf. In the past it was used as the fortress of the Sultanate of Banten, before the Deutch penetrated to and accupied Banten.

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