Friday, February 19, 2010

History of Bangkok

The Wat Phra Kaew temple complexBefore the 1780s the vicinity of Bangkok consisted of small principalities which existed without official status. Bangkok began as a small trading community on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River during the Ayutthaya Kingdom,1350 to 1767. The town's name is derived from Bang Makok, bang being the Central Thai name for towns or villages situated on the bank of a river, and makok being the Thai name of Spondias dulcis (a tree producing yellow plum-like fruits).

After the fall of Ayutthaya to the Burmese Kingdom in 1767, the newly declared King Taksin established a new capital in the area of then-Bangkok, which became known as Thonburi. When Taksin's reign ended in 1782, King Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke reconstructed the capital on the east bank of the river and gave the city a ceremonial name which became shortened to its current official name, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (which means "city of angels"). On April 21, 1782 Bangkok became the capital of Thailand and the seat of the Thai government.

Since the 1780s then much of Bangkok's history has been dominated by the constant renovation of the old temples, palaces, and monuments in the city, as in Thailand it is the divine responsibility of the king to maintain the Buddhism religion.

The early to middle nineteenth century saw a gradual increase of foreigners into Bangkok, missionaries and traders who came from many European countries and North America. By 1860 many traders had formed economic alliances and treaties with Bangkok.

King MongkutKing Mongkut (1851-1868), and later on his son King Chulalongkorn (1868-1910) brought about much development and modernization in Bangkok and Thailand. The city's first paved street was completed under Mongkut's rule and in 1863, his son proceeded to construct new city roads, developing a railway line connect to the north of Bangkok as well creating a tramway.

20th century
By 1900, rural market zones in Bangkok began developing into residential districts. The Memorial Bridge was constructed in 1932 to connect Thonburi to Bangkok which was believed to promote economic growth and modernization in a period when infrastructure was developing considerably. During the Vietnam War period of the 1960s increased FDI investment flowed into Thailand, improving the Don Mueang airport and its highways.

Since the 1960s modernization and population pressure with now over 8 million people in Bangkok, traffic congestion and pollution has become a significant problem in Bangkok.

source: wikipedia

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nangggroe Aceh Darussalam

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Aceh is a special territory of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Its full name is Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. It is thought to have been in Aceh where Islam was first establish in Southeaset Asia. In the early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful, and cultivated state in Mallaca Straight region. Aceh has a history of political independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government.

Aceh has substansial natural resources,including oil and gas - some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world.

Weh Island often referred to by the name of its capital,Sabang, is the western most island of the Indonesian archipelago. It is situated at the mouth of the Mallacca strait a sea passage for many yachts and cruise ships only 18 miles away, one hour by ferry, from Ulee-Lheue harbor in Banda Aceh.

Alas River flows into the Ocean;this river has exceptional rapids that attract whitewater rafting enthusiasts for all over the world.

Mount Leuser
Hiking to the peak of mount leuser (3,404 meters) takes about 10-14 days. The small village of Angasan is a suitable starting point. Angasan is located several hour walk west of Blang Kejeran. Most hikers spend the night in Angasan and start their trek in the morning. The first five days go through virgin rain forest where rare prmates can often be seen.
Points of interest :
Banda City Tour : visit to the Great mosque, Museum , War Memorial of Poecut,Pintu Khop,and Gunungan.
A day tour: visit typical village,old fortress of Indrapatra, the tomb of admiral Malahayati, the beaches of Krueng Raya and Ujong Bate'e. Visit Iskandar Muda Museum, Ulee Lheue old harbor, Cut Nyak Dien Museum.

Courtesy : Ministry and Tourism Republic Of Indonesia